Cover that starts with savings. It’s true! No insurance premiums for the first 3-months of your new Platinum Plus, Platinum Plus Level Term, Mortgage Protector and New Zealand Home Loan Life policy when the following criteria is met:


  • If you receive a quote between 1-May until 31 Dec 2024; and
  • 如果您在2024年5月1日至12月31日期间获得报价;和
  • your adviser submits your application within 30 days of the quote being generated; and
  • 您的顾问在报价生成后30天内提交您的申请;和
  • your insurance policy is issued within the 6 months of the offer period end date.
  • 您的保险单在优惠期结束日期后的6个月内签发。

The 3-month period will be calculated from the date your policy is issued and will be applied to the first 3-months of the policy’s premium payments. Depending on what payment option you choose, your first payment will not be due until your 3- month waiver has finished. For example:


  • For monthly payments, the first 3 regular premiums will be waived.
  • 对于月度付款,前3个常规保费将免除。
  • For fortnightly payments, the first 6 and a half regular payments will be waived, which means the first payment you make will be reduced by half.
  • 对于每两周一次的付款,前6个半常规付款将免除,这意味着您的第一笔付款将减少一半。
  • For quarterly payments, the first payment will be waived.
  • 对于季度付款,第一笔付款将免除。
  • For half-yearly payments, half of the first payment will be waived.
  • 对于半年付款,第一笔付款的一半将免除。
  • For annual payments, one quarter of the annual payment will be waived.
  • 对于年度付款,年度付款的四分之一将免除。

You’ll also receive a welcome letter from us when your policy is issued clearly showing when your first premium payment will be due.


Please note: This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other Fidelity Life premium price offer and excludes reinstatements and replacement policies.

请注意:此优惠不能与其他 Fidelity Life 保费价格优惠一起使用,并且不包括恢复和更换保单。