With the cost of living still on the rise, it’s great to know Chubb Life are offering 2 months’ FREE cover on its Assurance Extra range of products. 随着生活成本不断上涨,了解Chubb Life为其Assurance Extra系列产品提供2个月免费保障是件好事。

  • Life & Life Income Cover
  • Trauma Cover
  • Complete Disablement Cover
  • Income Cover
  • Mortgage Repayment Cover
  • Redundancy Cover
  • Specific Injury Cover
  • Premium Cover
  • 寿险和寿命收入保障
  • 创伤险
  • 完全残疾险
  • 收入保障
  • 按揭还款保障
  • 失业保障
  • 特定伤害保障
  • 保费保障

This offer applies to Chubb Life’s Assurance Extra products and is valid until 31 March 2025. Talk to us about your insurance needs today and secure peace of mind for the future.

此优惠适用于 Chubb Life 的 Assurance Extra 产品,有效期至 2025 年 3 月 31 日。立即与我们讨论您的保险需求,让未来安心无忧。